All my clothes are tailor-made.All my clothes are tailor-made.我們一般穿的衣服多數是從時裝店購買的成衣,英文叫做Ready to wear或Off the rack,法文叫Pret-A-Porter。可是有些人長得太高或太胖,或是品味獨特,未能找到合適的成衣,需要訂作衣服,英文可說:All my clothes are tailor-made.(我所有的衣服都是量身訂作的)。高級訂作服英文叫High Fashion,法文叫Haute Couture。可量身訂作的不限於衣服,例如傢俱或健身計劃也可根據客人要求而特別設計,可以這樣形容: The package is tailor made for your needs.(這個組合是因應你的需要而設計的)。 對話 Vivian:What are you wearing? 維維安:你在穿甚麼? Marty:Do you like it? 馬丁:你喜歡它嗎? Vivian:It’s very unusual to say the least. Where did you buy it? 維維安:至少可稱得上「很怪」兩字,你在哪裡買的? Marty:Oh, I don’t buy my clothes. All my clothes are tailor-made. 馬丁:噢,我不買衣服的,我所有衣服都是量身訂作的。 Vivian:Oh, that’s so charitable of you, keeping all those blind tailors in work. How kind. 維維安:噢,你真慷慨,給那些盲人裁縫師工作機會,真仁慈喔!《裁縫做的》 維維安說馬丁的衣服:It is very unusual, to say the least。馬丁洋洋得意,說自己所有衣服都是裁縫做的:All my clothes are tailor-made。 To say the least也作to say the least of it,是「至少可以這樣說」的意思,例如:I don’t like him, to say the least of it(簡單一點說,我不喜歡他)。維維安那句話,是說馬丁的衣服「至少可稱得上『很怪』兩字」。 裁縫英文有tailor、dressmaker、couturier等稱呼。Tailor多做男裝,dressmaker多做女裝;至於couturier,出自法文couture(裁縫的工作),一看就知道有「高級」意味,專做昂貴、時髦衣服。He is a couturier to many of the celebrities in town即「他是城中不少名人光顧的裁縫」。 裁縫按每個顧客的身材做衣服,所以,tailor作動詞,除了當作裁縫、修改衣服等,也可指「使配合」,例如:(1) I will ask the tailor to tailor the trousers to fit you(我會請裁縫把褲子修改到你可以穿)。(2) He attended a course tailored to the needs of young executives(他參加了專為年輕行政人員設計的課程)。 同樣,tailor-made除了指「裁縫做的」,也可引申解作「專為某某訂做的」或「特別適合某某的」,例如:With his computer skills, he is tailor-made for the job(他諳熟電腦,特別適合這份工作)。 「裁縫做的」也可叫做made to measure(按尺寸縫製)。所以馬丁大可以說:All my clothes are made to measure。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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